Contract Management
Documentation relating to creating and editing contracts
Streamline your contract approval process with a clear and structured workflow
Efficiently manage, request, and approve contract documents within oboloo
Manage and assign contract owners to receive critical notifications about contract activities
Easily export contract data in CSV format for further analysis and reporting
Track and review all modifications to contract records with a comprehensive and detailed change log in oboloo
Add A New Contract
This guide will walk you through the process of creating a new contract in oboloo.
Approving Contracts
In oboloo's Contract Management module, you can manage contract record approvals through a structured workflow. This guide details the step-by-step process for approving contract records.
Archiving and Unarchiving Contracts
This guide will walk you through the process of archiving contracts in oboloo, how to view archived contracts, and how to unarchive contracts when needed.
Contract Change Log
The Contract Change Log in oboloo provides a comprehensive history of all changes made to a contract record. This guide will help you navigate and utilize the change log to track modifications efficiently.
Contract Owners
Contract owners in oboloo are users assigned to a contract, ensuring they receive notifications related to that contract. This guide will help you understand how to manage contract owners, including adding or removing them.
Exporting Contracts
This guide will walk you through the process of exporting a list of contracts from oboloo. Follow these steps to successfully export contract data in CSV format.
Adding And Requesting Contract Documents
With oboloo contract management, you can store and request documents within contract records. Once a document has been uploaded, someone in your organization can then approve it.
Approving Contract Documents
This guide will walk you through the process of approving contract documents that have been uploaded by other users or the supplier.
Archiving and Unarchiving Contract Documents
This guide will walk you through the process of archiving and unarchiving contract documents in oboloo.