Adding And Requesting Contract Documents

With oboloo contract management, you can store and request documents within contract records. Once a document has been uploaded, someone in your organization can then approve it. Either your organization can upload contract documents internally, or you can request that the supplier uploads them.

Steps for Adding and Requesting Documentation Under a Contract Record

Step 1: Access Contract Documents

  1. Go to Contract Management → Contracts → Select a Contract → Documents tab.

Step 2: Upload Contract Document From Your Local Device

  1. Click the + Add Document button to upload a document related to the contract from your local device.

Step 3: Choose an Expiry Date for the Document

  1. Contract Owners will be notified when this document is about to expire.

Tip: For any additional document types required, users with the correct access can create new document types in Settings / Configurations under the Contract Document Type tab.

Tip: Once documents have been uploaded, the Contract Owner(s) will be notified and will then be able to view and approve the new document(s).

Step 4: Request Supplier to Upload Documents

  1. If you would like a supplier to upload a document, click on the + Request Document button within this tab and follow the same process.

Step 5: Choose the Document Type to Request

  1. Select which document type you would like to request from your supplier.

Tip: For any additional document types required, users with the correct access can create new document types in Settings / Configurations under the Contract Document Type tab.

Step 6: Choose the Relevant Contract

  1. Choose which contract within the supplier you would like to request the document from.

Tip: You can add new supplier contacts under the Contact info tab within a supplier's profile.

Step 7: Add Additional Information

  1. Add any additional information that you would like to include in the request to the supplier. The supplier notes that you provide will be included within the email the supplier receives.

Step 8: Send the Request

  1. Click on the Save button to send the request to the supplier.

Step 9: View the New Document Record

  1. A new document record will be added within the documents table. You can view the status of the document under the Status column. Once the supplier has uploaded your requested document, the status will show Uploaded By Supplier.

Tip: Once documents have been uploaded by the supplier, the Contract Owner(s) will be notified and will then be able to view and approve the new document(s).

By following these steps, you can effectively manage contract documents in oboloo, ensuring all necessary documentation is collected and approved in a timely manner.

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Approving Contract Documents