Archiving and Unarchiving Contract Documents

This guide will walk you through the process of archiving and unarchiving contract documents in oboloo. Archiving documents helps keep your records organized by removing outdated or no longer relevant documents from the active view without permanently deleting them.

Steps for Archiving Contract Documents

Step 1: Access Contract Documents

  1. Go to the Contract Management → Contracts → Select a Contract → Documents tab.

Step 2: Select Document to Archive

  1. By default, the Archive column is not shown on the documents table. You can make this visible in the table by clicking the blue Columns button and toggling the Archive option.
  2. Scroll down to the documents table and find the document that you would like to archive.
  3. Click the Archive checkbox on the document record.

Tip: If you cannot see a checkbox under the Archive column, you will need to request access from your System Administrator.

Step 3: Confirm Archiving

  1. Click on the Yes button to confirm archiving the contract document.

Step 4: View Archived Documents

  1. To view archived documents, choose Archived from the Archive Status dropdown menu above the documents table.
  2. You can unarchive a document by unticking the Archive checkbox

Tip: By default, only active documents are shown for a contract when you go into its profile.

By following these steps, you can efficiently archive contract documents in oboloo, ensuring that your document records remain organized and up-to-date.

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Approving Contract Documents