Responding to a Reopened Sourcing Activity

This guide explains how suppliers can update and resubmit their responses when a client reopens a sourcing activity with new opening and closing dates. It provides step-by-step instructions for reviewing updates from the creator of the activity, making necessary changes to previous submissions, and resubmitting the response within the revised deadline. The guide ensures suppliers understand how to stay compliant with updated requirements and timelines, allowing them to efficiently manage their response in the event of a reopened activity.

Step-By-Step Guide: Responding to a Reopened Sourcing Activity

Step 1: Notification of Reopening

  • You will receive an email notification when the buyer reopens the sourcing activity, along with the new opening and closing dates.
  • The creator of the activity will have included notes about why they have reopened the activity. These can be found on the email with your login credentials.
  • This email will include a link to the supplier portal where you can update and resubmit your response.

Step 2: Log in to the Supplier Portal

  • Click on the link in the email and use your existing login credentials to access the reopened activity.

Step 3: Update Your Response

  • Make necessary updates to your original response based on any new instructions or clarifications from the activities creator.
    • You can modify answers in the questionnaires, pricing sections, or upload updated supporting documents.
    • If no changes are needed, you can simply resubmit your previous response.

Step 4: Review and Resubmit

  • Before submitting, ensure all updated sections are correct and meet the client's revised requirements.
  • Once you’re satisfied with your response, click 'Submit' to send your updated submission.

Step 5: Confirmation of Resubmission

  • After resubmitting, you will receive a confirmation indicating that your updated response has been successfully received.
  • You can log back into the portal at any time to view your submission.

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Responding to an eSourcing activity
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