Collaborating as a Team on Supplier Responses

This guide provides suppliers with detailed instructions on how to collaborate as a team when responding to a sourcing activity on oboloo. It covers how multiple team members from various departments, such as sales, finance, and technical, can work together to complete and submit different sections of the sourcing activity. The guide highlights real-time collaboration, assigning team members to specific sections, and ensuring a unified response before final submission. Perfect for teams that need to coordinate input across various functional areas to deliver comprehensive and accurate responses to buyers.

Step-By-Step Guide: Collaborating as a Team on Supplier Responses

Step 1: Access the Invitation

  • Each contact from your organization invited to the sourcing activity will receive an invitation email with a unique access link and code. Each invited person gets their own code linked to their name to track changes they have made to your response. Please do not share your login code as you will be unable to track who has made updates.
  • Click the link in the email and enter the unique access code to log into the supplier portal.

Step 2: Access the Sourcing Activity

  • After logging in, you'll see the sourcing activity you’ve been invited to.
  • Each invited team member can access the same activity, allowing for collaborative input across departments (e.g., sales, finance, technical).

Step 3: Assign Team Members to Specific Sections

  • Determine which sections of the sourcing activity need input from different members of your team. For example:
    • Technical team: Responsible for answering product/service-related questions.
    • Finance team: Handles pricing requests.
    • Sales/Contracts team: Reviews terms and conditions or provides project details.

Step 4: Collaborate on Responses

  • Each team member can log in to the supplier portal and fill out their respective sections.
    • Real-time collaboration: Team members can work on different sections simultaneously without overwriting each other’s responses.

Step 5: Review the Complete Response

  • Before submitting, the team should review the entire response to ensure all sections are completed correctly and aligned with your organization's overall response strategy.
  • Any final changes should be made collaboratively to ensure that responses from all departments are consistent and accurate.

Step 6: Submit the Final Response

  • Once the response is ready, one team member can submit the final response on behalf of the company.
  • Once submitted, the team will receive a confirmation email indicating that the response has been successfully submitted.

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Responding to a Reopened Sourcing Activity