Creating a New Sourcing Activity (End-To-End Guide)

This step-by-step guide will take you through the entire process of creating and configuring a new sourcing activity with all available options that you can include in an activity in oboloo. If you wish to only view user guides to specific areas of the sourcing activity creation process, these user guides can be found here.

In oboloo, creating a sourcing activity is a structured process that helps you collect important information from suppliers. Using the Sourcing Wizard, you can customise your activity by including relevant sections like pricing requests, questionnaires, and supplier information.

Visual Guide - Step-by-Step Guide: Creating a Sourcing Activity

Text Guide - Step-by-Step Guide: Creating a Sourcing Activity

Step 1: Access the Sourcing Section

  • Click on Sourcing from the left-hand menu. This will open up the sub items within the Sourcing module.

Step 2: Navigate to eSourcing

  • Select eSourcing from the available options to manage your sourcing activities.

Step 3: Start a New Sourcing Activity

  • Click on the Create Sourcing Activity button to open the Sourcing Wizard, where you will create and customize the new sourcing activity. This button is on the main sourcing table.

Step 4: Choose What to Include in Your Sourcing Activity

  • After launching the Sourcing Wizard, you will define the structure of your sourcing activity by selecting the sections you want to include:
    • Internal Sourcing Sections (optional): These sections provide suppliers with important background information. This could include company overviews, instructions, or submission guidelines that clarify expectations.
    • Supplier Sourcing Sections (optional): Request detailed written responses from suppliers, such as service level agreements (SLAs) or project plans for your review.
    • Supplier Questionnaires (optional): Add structured questionnaires with weighted questions. These responses can be evaluated based on specific criteria.
    • Pricing Requests (optional): Use this section to gather detailed pricing information from suppliers, ensuring you have cost data for products or services.
  • You can mix and match these sections depending on whether you’re conducting an RFP (Request for Proposal), RFQ (Request for Quotation), or RFI (Request for Information). Once selected, click Next.

Step 5: Write the Sourcing Activity Summary

  • In this step, you will create the activity summary that provides suppliers with essential information:
    • Title and Description: Provide a clear and concise title and summary of the activity, including its purpose and objectives.
    • Location and Department: Specify relevant details about where the activity is being held or which department it involves.

Step 6: Set the Opening Date and Time

  • Add an opening date and time for the sourcing activity. Suppliers will only be able to submit responses starting from this date. More information on opening and closing dates of an activity can be found here.

Step 7: Set the Closing Date and Time

  • Set a closing date and time when the activity will stop accepting supplier responses. After this deadline, no further submissions can be made. Click Next when ready. More information on opening and closing dates of an activity can be found here.

Step 8: Add Internal Sourcing Sections (Optional)

  • You can add internal sections to provide suppliers with important background information (e.g., company overview, instructions). More information on Internal Sourcing Sections can be found here.
  • These sections can be selected from the Sourcing Library. You can create new ones within the Sourcing Library module.
    • Use the tick boxes next to existing internal sections to select those relevant to the current activity.
    • Click Add to Activity to confirm your choices.

Step 9: Confirm the Internal Sections

  • After adding internal sections, they will appear in a table below. You can verify that the correct sections are included.
    • If necessary, use the delete icon to remove any section.
    • Once satisfied, click Next to proceed.

Step 10: Add Supplier Sourcing Sections (Optional)

  • In this step, you can add sections that request specific information from suppliers, such as how they intend to meet your requirements or their qualifications for the project. More information on Supplier Sourcing Sections can be found here.
    • Like the internal sections, you can reuse sections from the Sourcing Library or create new ones in the Sourcing Library module.
    • Use the tick boxes to select the supplier sections you want to include, then click Add to Activity.

Step 11: Confirm Supplier Sections

  • Ensure the selected supplier sections are listed in the table. You can remove any unwanted sections using the delete icon. When complete, click Next.

Step 12: Add Questionnaires (Optional)

  • If needed, add one or more questionnaires for suppliers to answer. This helps gather structured information or evaluate suppliers based on certain criteria. More information on Supplier Questionnaires can be found here.
    • Choose from existing questionnaires in the Sourcing Library or create new ones on the Supplier Questionnaires page.
    • Select the relevant questionnaires using the tick boxes, then click Add to Activity.

Step 13: Confirm Questionnaires

  • Ensure that all questionnaires you want to include are listed. Click Next to move on.

Step 14: Add Pricing Requests (Optional)

  • In the Pricing Requests section, you will ask suppliers to provide pricing details for specific products or services:
    • Product Name: Name of the product or service.
    • Product Code (optional): A unique identifier or SKU (if applicable).
    • Unit of Measure: Defines how the product is measured (e.g., each, kg, litres).
    • Quantity: The number of units required. This works with the unit of measure to clarify total needs.
  • You can add multiple line items. Click Add Another Product to include additional items, then click Next.
  • More information on Pricing Requests can be found here.

Step 15: Attach Supporting Documents (Optional)

  • In this step, upload any relevant supporting documents, such as technical specifications, contracts, or drawings. Suppliers will be able to download and review these documents as part of their response. More information on Supporting Documents can be found here.
    • Click Attach Document to browse your system and upload files.
    • Provide a title and description for each document to clarify its relevance.
    • The maximum file size for uploads is 16MB.

Step 16: Confirm Document Uploads

  • Review all uploaded documents in the table to ensure accuracy. Once confirmed, click Next.

Step 17: Select and Invite Suppliers

  • Select the suppliers you wish to invite to participate in your activity. More information on selecting and inviting suppliers to sourcing activities can be found here.
    • Use the Supplier Name dropdown to choose from your existing supplier list in oboloo.
    • For each supplier, choose the relevant supplier contact(s). You can invite multiple contacts from the same supplier organization to enable collaboration on their response.

Step 18: Add More Suppliers (Optional)

  • Click Add Another Supplier to invite additional suppliers to your sourcing activity.

Step 19: Preview the Sourcing Activity

  • Click the View As Supplier button to preview the activity from the supplier’s perspective.
    • This allows you to check if all information and documents are clearly presented and accurate before sending.
    • Close the preview window to return to the Sourcing Wizard.

Step 20: Send the Activity to Suppliers

  • Once satisfied, click Send to Suppliers. This will initiate the process of inviting your selected suppliers to participate.
    • Confirm that you are ready to send the activity by ticking the checkbox in the popup.
    • Once sent, you will no longer be able to make edits to the activity.

Step 21: View Your Created Activity

  • After sending, you can view your created sourcing activity by accessing it via the table on the eSourcing Home Page.

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Setting Opening and Closing Dates in Your Sourcing Activity