Supplier Scorecard Calculations

Scorecards in oboloo are calculated using a weighted scoring method against predefined categories and areas. This user guide will outline the process of calculating scorecards effectively.

Understanding the Scorecard Structure

  • Each scorecard is composed of categories/areas for evaluation.
  • Categories represent overarching themes or aspects of evaluation (e.g., Performance, Cost Effectiveness).
  • Criteria's are specific criteria within each category (e.g., Delivery Reliability, Pricing Competitiveness).


  • Evaluate each criteria according to the predefined scoring scale of 0-5. For the scorecards, performance and sustainability tabs, 0 = lowest score and 5 = highest score. However for the Risk tab the scoring calculation is reversed where 0 = Low Risk and 5 = High Risk
  • Input the score for each area based on the performance or criteria observed.

Applying Weightings

  • Assign weightings to each category/area based on their relative importance. Higher weightings indicate greater significance in the overall evaluation
  • Weightings determine the impact of each category/area on the overall score.
  • Ensure that weightings sum up to 100% to reflect the complete evaluation coverage.
  • Weightings can only be applied when creating or editing a scorecard, not when applying the scorecard against a supplier.

Calculation Process

Step 1: Retrieve User Ratings

  • The system retrieves the ratings provided by users for each criterion within the scorecard (the 0-5 ratings given by the user when applying the scorecard against a supplier)

Step 2: Apply Weightings

  • The system applies the predefined weightings to the ratings for each criterion.
  • Weighted scores are calculated by multiplying the user rating by the corresponding weighting percentage.

Step 3: Aggregate Scores for Criteria

  • The weighted scores for all criteria within each category are aggregated.
  • This process involves summing up the weighted scores to obtain a total score for each category.

Step 4: Calculate Overall Score

  • The system calculates the overall score for the entire scorecard.
  • This is done by summing up the total scores for all categories.


oboloo Calculation:

1. Retrieve User Rating: User input: 4 out of 5 for each of the criterion under the category 'Performance'

2. Average All Criterion Scores Under the Category: 4 - there are 3 scores under the category performance in the screenshot above, therefore the average score for the entire category would be 4.

3. Apply Weighting: Weighting for the category Performance: 40%

4. Calculate Weighted Score:

- Weighted score = Average user rating * Weighting

- Weighted score = 4 * 40% = 1.6

6. Result: The weighted score for the criterion "Delivery Reliability" is 1.6 out of 5

7. Overall Category Percentage Calculation: - oboloo turns the weighted score of 1.6 into a percentage out of 100% for the scorecard, 

- Percentage Score=Weighted Score/Maximum Possible Score×100%

In this case, the maximum possible score for each criterion is 5 (since the rating scale is from 0 to 5). Therefore, oboloo does the calculation of:

Percentage Score=1.6/5×100%=0.32×100%=32%

So, the percentage score for the whole 'Performance' category in the above screenshot on the scorecard is 32%.

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