Supplier Owners

Supplier owners in oboloo are users assigned to a supplier, ensuring they receive notifications related to that supplier. This guide will help you understand how to manage supplier owners, including adding or removing them.

Tip: The creator of a supplier record is automatically added as a contract owner.

What Are Supplier Owners?

Supplier owners receive in-system and email notifications for the suppliers they are assigned to. Notifications include updates on documents being uploaded, approved, or expiring.

Accessing the Supplier Owners tab

To manage supplier owners, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to User Profile

  1. Navigate to the suppliers Profile Page.

Step 2: Open Supplier Owners Tab

  1. Click on the Supplier Owners tab.

Adding a Supplier Owner

Anyone with the appropriate access can add a user as a supplier owner.

Step 1: Access Supplier Owners

  1. Follow the steps above to access the Supplier Owners tab.

Step 2: Add New Supplier Owner

  1. Click on the Add Supplier Owner button.

Step 3: Select User

  1. Choose the user you want to assign as a supplier owner from the list.

Step 5: Save Changes

  1. Click on Save.

Removing a Supplier Owner

The user who created the supplier is automatically assigned as a supplier owner but can be removed if needed.

Step 1: Access Supplier Owners

  1. Follow the steps above to access the Supplier Owners tab.

Step 2: Find the User

  1. Locate the user assigned as a supplier owner that you want to remove.

Step 3: Remove Supplier Owner

  1. Click on the Delete button next to the user’s name.

Step 4: Confirm Removal

  1. Confirm the removal to complete the process.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage supplier owners in oboloo, ensuring the right people are notified about important supplier-related activities.

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