Approving Supplier Documents

This guide will walk you through the process of approving supplier documents that have been uploaded by other users or the supplier.

Steps for Approving Supplier Documents

Step 1: Access Supplier Documents

  1. Go to the Supplier Management → Suppliers → Select a Supplier → Documents tab.

Step 2: Select Document to Approve

  1. Scroll down to the documents table and find the document that you would like to approve.
  2. Click the Approve checkbox on the document record.

Tip: If you cannot see a checkbox under the Approve column, you will need to request approval access from your System Administrator.

Step 3: Confirm Approval

  1. Click on the Yes button to confirm your approval of the supplier document.

Step 4: Approval Confirmation

  1. The Approved By and Approved Date columns will then auto-populate, indicating the document has been approved.

Tip: Once a document has been approved, all Supplier Owners will be notified.

By following these steps, you can efficiently approve supplier documents in oboloo, ensuring that all necessary documents are properly reviewed and validated.

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Adding and Requesting Supplier Documents
Archiving and Unarchiving Supplier Documents