Scoring Analysis and Insights in oboloo

The Scoring Analytics feature in oboloo provides a comprehensive overview of how suppliers have been evaluated across different sections of their submissions. This tool allows you to compare scores from multiple evaluators, identify trends in supplier performance, and gain high-level insights that inform your supplier selection decisions. With scoring analysis, you can ensure that your evaluation process is transparent, consistent, and based on data-driven insights. This guide will walk you through the steps to analyse supplier scores and use the insights to make informed sourcing decisions.

Visual Guide - Step-by-Step Guide: Scoring Analysis and Insights in oboloo

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Text Guide - Step-by-Step Guide: Scoring Analysis and Insights in oboloo

Step 1: Accessing the Scoring Analysis tab

Once (and during scoring) all scorers have submitted their scores, you can access oboloo’s Scoring Analysis tab to view and analyse the results.

  1. Login to oboloo using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the eSourcing module from the left-hand menu.
  3. Select the relevant sourcing activity from the eSourcing Home Page.
  4. In the Sourcing Activity record, click on the Scoring Analysis tab.

Step 2: Reviewing Overall Supplier Scores

The Scoring Analysis tab provides a high-level view of how each supplier performed across all Supplier Sections and Supplier Questionnaires of the sourcing activity.

  1. In the Scoring Analysis tab, you will see a summary of the total scores for each supplier.
  2. These scores are calculated based on the individual evaluations submitted by your internal scorers. The applied weighted scoring will be applied to the overall scores (which reflects the importance of each section or question in the overall evaluation.)
  3. The Overall Supplier Scores give you an at-a-glance understanding of which suppliers performed the best across all evaluation criteria. However, it is important to also dive deeper into the section-level scores to ensure that the highest-scoring suppliers meet your specific requirements.

Step 3: Analysing Scores by Section

To understand the strengths and weaknesses of each supplier, oboloo allows you to analyse how they performed in different Supplier Sections and Supplier Questionnaires.

  1. In the Scoring Analysis tab, the supplier’s scores will be broken down by section and questionnaire, allowing you to see how they performed in each area.
  2. By reviewing the scores at a section/questionnaire level, you can identify where each supplier excelled or underperformed.
  3. Use this analysis to inform your decision-making, ensuring that you consider both high-level performance and specific areas critical to your sourcing needs.

Best Practices for Using Scoring Analytics and Insights

  • Review Scores Early: Start reviewing the scoring analytics as soon as the evaluations are submitted. This allows you to identify any discrepancies or trends early in the process.
  • Use Section-Level Insights: Don’t rely solely on overall scores—dive into section-level data to understand where each supplier performed well or fell short.
  • Collaborate with Scorers: If there are discrepancies between scorers. You can dive deeper into their scores and any comments the scorers might have given per question or section when scoring to understand why they have given the score they have.
  • Leverage Data for Decision Making: Use scoring analytics to make data-driven decisions about supplier selection. This ensures transparency and helps justify your choices to stakeholders.

By following these steps and best practices, you can effectively use oboloo’s Scoring Analytics and Insights feature to analyse supplier performance, compare results, and make informed sourcing decisions. With clear insights into how each supplier was evaluated, oboloo ensures a transparent and data-driven supplier selection process.

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Scoring Supplier Responses in oboloo