Add New Configuration

Configurations allow you to customize the values that appear in dropdown menus throughout the platform. This guide will walk you through the process of adding new configurations or modifying existing ones to tailor oboloo to your needs.

To get organisations started, there are pre-build values within the drop downs. These can be edited, deleted or replaced within the Configurations page.

Adding Configurations

Step 1: Access Settings

  1. Click on Settings.

Step 2: Navigate to Configurations

  1. Click on Configurations.

Step 3: Choose Configuration Type

  1. Scroll through the configurations menu and select the configuration type you want to add a value to.

Step 4: Add a New Configuration

  1. Click the Add New button under the selected configuration.

Step 5: Enter New Value

  1. Enter the value to be added under the configuration.

Step 6: Save the Configuration

  1. Click on Save. This new value will now be available under the selected dropdown.

Adding Child Level Configurations

Some configurations have two levels, such as categories and subcategories. For example, subcategories (child level) are linked to categories (parent level).

Step 7: Add a New Child Configuration

  1. Click on the Add New button.

Step 8: Enter Child Level Value

  1. Add a value for the child level configuration.

Step 9: Link to Parent Configuration

  1. Select the parent level value to link the child value to. For example, the child subcategory "Window Cleaning" would be linked to the parent category "Cleaning Activities".

Step 10: Save the Child Configuration

  1. Click on Save. This new value will now be available under the selected dropdown.

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