Approving Savings

In oboloo's Savings Management module, you can manage savings project approvals through a structured workflow. This guide details the step-by-step process for approving savings projects.

Savings Project Approval Workflow

Step 1: Toggle Switch for Approval Requirement

On the fourth page of the create new savings wizard (accessible via the 'Create New Savings Project' button above the Savings Management table), you will find a toggle switch labelled "Does this saving need to be approved?"

Step 2: Approval Toggle Functionality

If the toggle switch is set to "Yes":

  • A dropdown menu will appear, listing all active users (excluding inactive users).
  • Select an approver from the dropdown list.
  • Upon record creation, the selected user becomes the approver.

If the toggle switch is set to "No":

  • The savings project record is created normally without requiring approval.

Step 3: Email Notification to Approver

When an approver is assigned, an email is sent to the approver with a link to the savings project's profile. On the savings project profile page, an "Approve Savings Project" button will be visible only to the approver. Clicking this button approves the savings project.

Step 4: Rejection Process

Next to the "Approve Savings Project" button, there is also a "Reject Savings Project" button. If the approver clicks this button, they will be prompted to provide a justification for rejecting the savings project. This justification is logged in the Approval Log tab under the savings project's profile. An email is then sent to the user who created the savings project with the rejection reason inputted by the approver. The creator can request re-approval, restarting the approval cycle by clicking the 'Send For Approval' button at the bottom of the savings project's profile page.

Step 5: Handling Unapproved Savings Projects

Unapproved savings projects are hidden from the main table and can be viewed via the "Archived Status" filter under "Unapproved". Once approved, they move to an active state.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage savings project approvals in oboloo, ensuring that all necessary approvals are documented and managed efficiently.

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